The organization requires that to become a Trustee of NWDAA the following procedure has to be followed:
Applicants must have been a member for a minimum of 3 years continuous membership.
Applicants must be proposed and seconded by 2 existing members.
Applications should be sent to the secretary in writing with an explanation of the reasons and suggested benefits of the member’s application.
The application will be placed on the agenda for a future Trustees meeting, usually the next meeting, and if the application is deemed acceptable then the applicant will be requested to attend for interview.
If the applicant is successful and co-opted as a Trustee, he/she will be eligible to stand for re-election by the members at the next AGM following the appointment.
The outcome of any interview for a prospective Trustee will be minuted at the appropriate Trustees ‘monthly’.
Motion carried ? Yes at March AGM.................................
Formally accepted – YES
Now implemented - YES
Co-option as a Trustee of NWDAA – Ref Number 5
Signed for as completed – Secretary : dated 12.4.2018
R Bainbridge [Gen Sec] Reviewed RB 9.11.2022