NWDAA RAMS and members ‘Rules’ for Boat fishing on Smiddy Shaw reservoir.


  1. Amendment Jan 2019 : RA item 9 regarding the possible use of access boards when water levels are low.

2 - Amendment June 2019 RA item 17 should have been classified as High NOT medium [3x5]– amended

3 – Reviewed RB/WS 22.1.2020 – No changes needed at present [This issue 4]

4- COVID see Risk 20 [Updated 27.3.2022] and separate Covid RA not now required.

Proposal to fish from boats on Smiddy Shaw Reservoir

Method Statement Prepared by W Smith, on behalf of NWDAA.

1. Boats to be fibre glass construction, built to meet current minimum standard for Inland Waters Category C. i.e. typical trout reservoir boats, 14ft min length.

2. Boats to be moored on the water in the north east corner of the reservoir, away from shoreline on a secure retrievable system to ensure no unauthorised use.

3. Mooring area directly overlooked by Smiddy Shaw Cottage, residents have expressed a willingness to keep watch and report any unauthorised or suspicious activity.

4. Access gate to mooring area to be secured with a suitable locking mechanism, code or keys to be provide to all stakeholders.

5.Additional signage to be installed at boat mooring area to prohibit any unauthorised entry.

6. Life jackets of BS EN 396:1994 Lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids: Lifejackets: 150 N.

must be worn at all times and not removed whilst on the water.

7. All members who register to use boats will be required to have in their possession a mobile phone with clear signal in case of an emergency.

8. A booking officer will be used to control the use of boats, no boats will be allowed out without the express permission of the booking officer. Text will be sent to booking officer on arrival and also when safely off the water.

The decision of the booking officer on whether boats are allowed out or not will be final.

9. There will be no more than three people allowed in any boat. At least 2 to be responsible adults.

10. All members who register to use boats will be provided with adequate safety and operational instructions where necessary.

11. Electric motors and oars only to be used, electric motors to use sealed batteries only to prevent pollution to reservoir.

12. A list of Rules will be available at the mooring area to remind anglers of safe practice. The list is included as a separate item within this proposal.

13. Boats will be removed from the reservoir and stored elsewhere at the end of the fishing season.

14. Members to either pair up in one boat or have one boat each and go out together, no person to be out on the reservoir alone at any time. However a ‘watchperson’ on eg the reservoir bank who is available and capable of making an emergency call is acceptable to cover this risk.

15. All boats to be off the water no later than 1/2hr after sunset and no sailing before 7am.

16. A Declaration will be signed by all member boat users, guests will be under the supervision of that member to ensure everyone adheres to the rules and Risk Assessment.

17. A comprehensive Risk Assessment [follows this Method Statement] is in place to assess and mitigate the risks.

18. Use of any claw or grapple type anchors will be prohibited, mud weights [supplied] and drogues only may be used if required.

19. Route from boat mooring area to car park area is over good quality compacted hardcore track, therefore risk of trips and falls is very low.

20. All boats and equipment will be deep cleaned and/or inspected annually as a minimum . Also, prior to use on the reservoir, members will be instructed to comply with the usual check-clean-dry advice readily available at all our reservoirs to prevent the spread of invasive, non native, aquatic species.


The Risk assessment below is based on the Risk rating as indicated within the Boston Square Probability/Impact system below. Each Risk explains any mitigation in place and where applicable any reference to a topic mentioned in the original Method Statement in brackets in first column.

Risk assessment and Method Statement will be reviewed annually after season end, and/or following any related ‘incident’.

Any Impact factor rated 15 or above would have to be further mitigated but at this stage there are none.




Risk assessment table explanations. - [Probability x Impact]

NWDAA RA Item and MS ref [xx].

Explanation of risk and/or environmental protection

Risk rating without control mitigation - High, Medium or Low



Control measures in place:

Risk rating after mitigation ?

Any further controls required ?

Committee Approved ?

  1. [3,4,5,13,]

Access and security of Boats: – inadvertent or planned use of the boats causing damage or harm.



Access gate locked and secure with a code used, signage regarding unauthorised entry, bailiff residency in very close proximity of mooring, safe and offsite storage of boats out of season.



Not as yet


  1. [6,7,8,9,10,12,16,18,19]

Drowning/hypothermia :- falling into water during fishing and or during access or egress from the boat itself



Use of specified life jackets, either 2 in a boat or in close proximity of at least one other person in a boat or Watchperson on the Bank, no standing in boat [particularly while fishing] unless an absolute requirement, emergency procedures in place, , mobile phone access and clear signal obtained, and training/instruction given.



Not as yet



Accidents and impact, collision and grounding



Boats not to go within 50 metres of other craft, except rescue craft; not to go within 20 metres of the shore and be vigilant at all times for floating or partially submerged debris/wood.



Not as yet




Engine failures – and boat immobility.



Each boat to have a set of oars on board at all times when on the water.



Not as yet




Seasonal Sailing times – to ensure

Safe Sailing in daylight hours and to minimise early disturbance at the lodge



No sailing before 7am and return by ½ hour after sunset and must be within the seasonal times for the Reservoir



Not as yet






Boat and equipment maintenance, design and inspection.



Boats will be deep cleaned annually before the start of the season, they will meet the current standards for Inland Water category C, routine maintenance will be given as required. Pre use inspection will be carried out, recorded and acted upon where there are issues. Only electric motors to be used & oars provided. Auxiliary equipment inspection eg oars, anemometer, anchors if applicable, general boat condition will be take place at least annually by members of the Committee.



Not as yet






Outboard motors, propellers, and maintenance. No petrol motors allowed



All motors either self owned or provided must be capable of controlled speeds, be regularly inspected and maintained.



Not as yet



Clothing, footwear and hypothermia protection



Bearing in mind life jackets have to be worn, suitable footwear and clothing for the weather conditions must also be worn.




Not as yet



Access and egress to/from boat :- use of waders **and possibly access boards.



Depending upon water height and weather conditions thigh waders may be worn for access and egress from the boat. This at the discretion of the senior occupant.


**In the event of low water levels and the risk of sinking into mud then access boards must be strategically placed to allow safe access and egress from the boats.



Yes see last PARA

[Jan 2019]




Competency, on board safety, training and age restrictions



The Booking Secretary has the final say on all matters involving Boat fishing on Smiddy Shaw. Age limit for boat use [unless by prior arrangement by Booking secretary] is 18 unless accompanied by a competent adult when the age limit is then 12. When booking a boat for Smiddy Shaw the Booking Secretary will assess competency and decide if training – or further training is required for the crew members.

All members registered as boat users will have to have completed the induction/training course specific to Smiddy boat users. On completion they are requested to sign the Boat User Agreement



Not as yet




Emergency contacts



These are available at the mooring site and is highly recommended that all boat users copy the emergency numbers onto their phones.



Not as yet




Pollution and litter, electric battery design – to avoid chemical pollution.



Only sealed electric batteries for the electric motors to be used. Fishing tackle and any litter must be avoided that could pollute the waters and surrounding shores.




Not as yet



Conservation -Flora and fauna disturbance before, after and during boat fishing.



As there are many birds, plants and other animals around and on our waters the disturbance must be kept to an absolute minimum through avoidance and vigilance.




Not as yet



Biological infection from water borne bacteria and diseases



An anti-bacterial hand wash should be available for use to cleanse hands particularly before eating and drinking



Not as yet



Sunburn and use of protection



In the event of excessive sunshine and heat then the use of an appropriate sunscreen for each occupant is advised.



Not as yet




Weather conditions

High [4x5]

High winds and the potential for torrential rain could have fatal consequences therefore the decision to allow sailing on any particular day is the responsibility of the Booking secretary.

An anemometer is available at the mooring site for guidance readings. However any doubt about the wind and risk must be discussed with Booking secretary.



Not as yet




Safe use of anchors, drogues



To help prevent excessive drift, damage and the possibility of collision, the use of anchors is permitted but only mud weights and drogues.



Not as yet



Availability of excess water bailer



The boat must have a receptacle available for hand bailing of water in the event of excessive water ingress.



Not as yet



Insurance cover – for boat fishing



The Secretary will check for appropriate cover through our insurers on an annual basis.



Not as yet



COVID RISK Various levels of feeling unwell including lack of taste, lack of smell, persistent cough, high temperature, fatigue and general weakness, difficulty with breathing and even death



Although the Covid risk is still with us members are advised to remain cautious and avoid close contact with other as much as possible in addition to regular use of approved hand sanitiser.

Please refer to Government guidelines and NWDAA will inform members of specific actions to take with regard to Covid as and when necessary



Not as yet


Members' Rules for fishing from a boat : to be read and accepted in association with the Method Statement and Risk assessment:

1. No boat occupant to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

2. No alcohol or drugs to taken on board or be consumed while on board.

3. No more than 3 occupants per boat, if only one occupant then there must be another boat out at

the same time and both boat must come off the water together. No person is to be out on the

water alone and unaccompanied at any time.

4. Inspect the boat for general condition and availability of oars, anchor and rope. Check wind

speed using the anemometer (supplied), familiarise yourself with all risks and hazards


5. No fishing within 50 meters of another boat (unless by prior agreement)


6. No drifting within 20 meters (or casting distance) of the bank, boat anglers must give priority to

and avoid encroaching near to bank anglers by maintaining an appropriate distance.


7. Check mobile phone for battery charge and coverage. Add emergency numbers to your mobile.


8. Check appropriate footwear and clothing is worn and that life jackets (to BS EN 396:1994) are

worn at all times when on the boat.


9. Avoid standing whenever possible while fishing from boats.


10. Ensure you are familiar with the emergency contact list below, please record the

numbers into your phone in case of an emergency.


11. Ensure there is a receptacle on board for bailing out excessive water from the boat.

12. Ensure you have been cleared by the Booking Secretary to fish, and that the weather forecast is favourable. The forecast of thunderstorms, wind gusts in excess of 15mph and excessive waves will prevent boats from launching.


13. If concerned with regards to wind speed check by using anemometer provided, constant wind speeds in excess of 10 mph will make fishing difficult and uncomfortable and you should not launch.


13. Anglers must text the booking secretary on arrival at the water and upon their departure.


14. All other NWDAA rules must be adhered to.

15. Ensure you leave the boats in a clean and tidy condition, please report any damage or concerns to the booking secretary straight away.

16. Electric outboard motors or oars only to be used, no petrol outboards.

Emergency contact numbers .

999 for Emergency services.

Derwent Reservoir Ranger – 01207 255250

Booking Secretary – 07900 478705 W Smith. 27.3.20222 Appd RB/WS Issue 6