Rejoining of past members Policy - Ref Number 11

The policy below only applies to persons who had left the club less than three years ago, anyone having left the club more than three years ago will have to go through the membership process as if they were joining for the first time and no priority will be given to such members. In these cases the past member will have to go through the application and interview process but may not have to pay the joining fee again.

Anyone wishing to re-join NWDAA after having allowed their membership to lapse for any period of time is welcome to do so and can re-apply for membership in the usual way by contacting the Membership Secretary and filling in NWDAA membership application form, noting on the form that he or she had previously been a member including the dates of the previous membership.

Providing that the said person had left the club in an acceptable manner and on good terms the Trustees’ can decide to give priority to that applicant on any waiting list.

The applicant may not be required to go through the interview process again.

The applicant may not be required to pay the joining fee on re-admission.

All cases will be considered on their own merits and the Trustees will inform the applicants of any decision in accordance with the conditions set out in our Constitution.

Motion carried? Yes.........- unanimous at AGM March 2019........................

Formally accepted – Yes

Now implemented - Yes

Signed for as completed – Secretary : dated

R Bainbridge [Gen Sec] Reviewed RB 9.11.2022

Approved in system. 4.4.2019 Issue 1- Re-joining of past members