To give guidance concerning the reporting of any Notable accident or incident involving the affairs of NWDAA.
1. The general secretary will be the focal point of any reports from members.
2. Any member who is aware, or witnesses any notable accident, or incident that the Trustees should be made aware, must contact the Club Secretary :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
0191 3856738
07920 756749
3. The secretary will review the information supplied and inform all other Trustees of the circumstances. The Trustees will then decide if further investigation is needed.
4. The Secretary will then document the findings and decision making and if necessary:
Persons involved
Any injuries
Who knew and how
Any first aid given
Etc etc
5. This process is not restricted to personal accidents/injuries etc but could also be associated with events that could have a significant effect on the running of NWDAA or impact on members / individuals..
Vote by Trustees 6/6 13.6.2022 at TMM
Formally accepted – Yes
Now implemented - Signed for as completed – Secretary : dated 18.6.2022 Reviewed RB 11.11.2022
R Bainbridge [Gen Sec] R Bainbridge